The Lore of March

I’m so happy it’s March!! Though I celebrate the true start of spring come March 20th (the astronomical observation), at this point in the winter, I happily welcome meteorological spring today! Anything to keep my mind busy with until I can plunge my hands back into the soil. Until then, here’s a little March lore to kick off the month.

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Your Complete Guide to Growing Peas

The most important piece of garden advice I can share in regard to growing peas is…grow them! Grow lots of them! Grow more than you think because suddenly you’ll find yourself eating them all right there in the garden. The probability of a pea harvest actually physically making it into the house is very low.

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Create Your Own Wildlife Nook: A Step-by-Step Guide with Watering Hole

Beckon birds, pollinators and all sorts of wondrous critters by creating your very own wildlife nook and watering hole. And right now is the perfect time to set up your space as the pollinators and wildlife begin to migrate back to your area. It’s easy to create and will provide endless enjoyment for both your wildlife pals and you!

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Welcoming January with a Little Lore

Over the past year, I made an effort to study and research more and more about how different cultures welcome the changing months and seasons, especially those which place Nature as their focus. So without any further ado, I happily kick off this new year, new month, with some of my favorite lore that celebrates everything January.

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How to Use Milk Jugs to Sow Seeds in the Winter

Aside from resulting in healthier, more strapping plants, the milk jug method also saves you valuable growing room inside you house. It also saves you the electricity costs of needing lighting. It lets Nature take the wheel on the whole hardening off process, as well as there’s no transplant shock because the plants are acclimated to your weather and growing conditions.

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Seed Starting: Understanding Last Frost Dates

In order to figure out when to begin to start your seeds, you’ll need to know your last frost date. In a nutshell, your last frost date is not a green light to go outside and plant your entire garden. All it simply is, is an estimated date that predicts the winding down of nighttime temperatures dipping below freezing level. And it is only an estimate.

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Nourish Yourself this Growing Year

I’ve written around five different versions of this post over the past two weeks, only to toss them all aside in favor for just sitting down here in my studio, with a good cup of tea, some quality tunes, lavender wafting through the air, and my pal Cobbs sleeping by my side…the setting is perfect for what my focus for 2022 will be…NOURISH.

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How to Plant Garlic

Growing your own garlic spoils you. Once you’ve had your own garden fresh garlic, nothing store bought can ever compare. And then once you start growing it, each passing season you’ll feel the urge to plant more…and more…and more!

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Let's talk last frost dates and what that means

Let’s talk last frost. In a nutshell, your last frost date is NOT a green light to go outside and plant your entire garden. All it simply is, is an estimated date that predicts the winding down of nighttime temperatures dipping below freezing level. And it is only an estimate. So that means that it can very well be extremely cold or even snow after that date (in fact, it snowed here as late as Mother’s Day last spring).

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