Awakening from a Gardener's Hibernation

Why hello there! It’s me, your friendly ghosting gardener Allison. It’s been a while. I’ve missed you all and I’m looking forward to catching up. I hope you each have been well over this past year.

I’ve been away from socials and this site for a perfect storm of reasons that built up over the course of 2023. All together, I was burnt out and really needed to focus on enjoying being fully present. Being a complete research nerd, as well as a photo hound, it’s easy for me to get lost in the documenting of my garden and all the Nature around me. But the thing about documenting everything is that you’re taking it all in from the viewpoint of the observer. I spent so much of my time observing, that the act of experiencing became secondary. It’s in the experiencing where all the magic lives. Time was of the essence for more magical living.

Male eastern bluebird in maine

I kept having a longing feeling of just wanting to get away for a while. I’ve never been to a spa, but it was that kind of pull. I wanted to go somewhere where I could just be quiet, unplugged, pampered a bit and fully immersed in Nature. A bit slow on the take, I had to step back and realize that I am already somewhere where I can be quiet, unplugged, pampered a bit and fully immersed in Nature. See what I’m talking about with experiencing vs. documenting?

Sometimes in life, we are so constantly striving towards something that we often may overlook that we’ve already achieved it. Let’s trade that striving for relishing.

After this long respite, I’m excited to be back writing away. I look forward to filling you on all the goings on over these next few weeks. The magic truly began with an unbelievable visit from this little blue beauty above. For 2024 was my year of the Bluebird.

Fire-Roasted Maine Mussels

Best part of unplugging and being more present was just savoring the slowness of the seasons. We spent the long days of summer cooking over the fire so much that I barely remember being in our actual kitchen. We enjoyed so many meals together out there as a family, memories made. As if it could get better, it does, because being in Maine, we’ve got the good fortune of enjoying fresh local seafood to go with our garden goodies. Mussels and a good, hearty cioppino were in active rotation.

Northern lights maine 2024 garden view

I don’t have many things on my bucket list, but experiencing the Northern Lights was one of them. I cannot even begin to describe the gut-wrenching feeling I had when I woke up one morning in May to find out that I missed a spectacular showing of the Aurora Borealis overnight. I thought I missed my chance forever, when one incredible October evening, I left my studio after work and walked out to the most amazing sky I’ve ever seen. Right there in my garden, the Northern Lights were gracing me with the best gift ever.

Birch Branch Raised Garden Beds Permaculture

So much to catch up on! I can’t wait to share my redesign of my semicircle brick pathway part of my garden. After redoing the whole center area the other year with these raised birch branch beds, they proved to be such happy garden beds, that I tore up my brick pathways and replaced the area with a few more raised beds, along with some more trellises.

I wrapped up the end of the growing season feeling quite radical and yanking up all my outer garden perimeters. I was very determined for a change. Now, what that change will be, not quite sure yet, but as soon as April rolls around and the garden says it’s time to come out and play, I will be out there looking to spice things up.

Sending you all the absolute best! Thank you for your patience with me. Thank you for your understanding. And thank you so so much for coming on by here and sharing your time with me.

Big hugs!
