all things herbal
how to dry herbs
Out of all the ways you can preserve your garden harvests, drying is my favorite…and it is so easy-peasy compared to canning! Many herbs are easily preserved by drying and hold their flavor well when dry.
edible flowers
Transform any drink instantly by tossing a few violas into an ice cube tray and freeze. Sprinkle a few chive blossoms onto salads for a dazzling effect.
favorite herbs to grow
Truth be told, if I had to choose between growing veggies, flowers & herbs…I’d pick herbs. Here are some of my favorite ones to grow in my garden.
calendula infused oil
Herbal oils are a wonderful, easy thing to make with your bounty of harvests. Use them as is as a nourishing skin serum or use as a base for herbal creams, salves and sugar scrubs.
sweet viola bath soak
These fetching flowers offer not only the most cheerful blooms, but one waft of its intoxicating scent, and you’ll be hooked on having these lovelies in your garden and in your bath.
rosemary mint hair oil
Let’s hair it for Rosemary! Rosemary is a wunderkind of an herb to use on your hair. It not only helps keep grays at bay, it gives curly hair all sorts of good love, aids in eliminating flakes, nourishes your scalp and adds instant gloss.
chive blossom vinegar
One of my favorite garden treats, this zesty vinegar adds not only a yummy mild onion bite to everything from your salads to stir fries, it bottles up to one of the prettiest hues of pink you’ve ever seen.
garlic scape pesto
Scapes are the delicious curling shoots that hardback garlic sends up sometime in late June. They have a texture like asparagus, and taste a bit like a garlicky green bean. For a little pasta love, trying this delicious pesto!